Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dear God !

With a crush, a person is enthralled with the idea of another. It's an emotional high that is based upon something superficial, such as looks, and is temporary. Love is something that lasts long after the initial excitement wears off. It is a flowing power that creates lasting connections. A crush weakens the person who experiences it, while love empowers the person who experiences it. So if you are wondering if your feelings for another are love, or a crush, ask yourself these questions: How long have I known _ and how much do I know about him/her? Am I mentally putting this person up on a pedestal? Or do I know all of _'s faults and still want to spend the rest of my life with him/her? Am I convincing myself that I would be willing to put up with things I really cannot tolerate? Or am I being realistic?


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